Healthy by Jerusalem Artichoke
Jerusalem artichoke is a valuable medicinal plant
In medicine, the plant of the family of sunflower plants is known for its active ingredients which can lead to the relief of suffering and diseases. In addition to the main active ingredient inulin , the tuber contains many vitamins, trace elements and minerals. You can use the entire Jerusalem artichoke plant, fresh, dried, as a tea or in extracts.
Topinambur can help with diabetes , metabolic disorders, indigestion and diets .
There are few plants that excel in Jerusalem artichoke versatility. Highest vitality, excellent taste and outstanding ingredients characterize this fascinating plant.
Prebiotic and good for the metabolism
Jerusalem artichoke from a health point of view
- is rich in inulin
- is used successfully in diabetes therapy
- works prebiotic and stimulating on intestinal health
- has an appetite suppressant effect
- hardly raises the blood sugar level
- contains especially many valuable minerals and vitamins
- can help with stomach problems and skin diseases
In addition, Jerusalem artichoke is a valuable plant for the kitchen as vegetables, the garden, the wild field and as animal feed.
inulin; a special ingredient
Instead of starch, Jerusalem artichoke contains the carbohydrate inulin. Up to 16% inulin can be detected in the fir-tree tuber, an order of magnitude that otherwise only occurs in chicory. This sugar compound is mainly degraded in the colon. The bacteria there are usually neglected by the modern diet and have, loosely worded, little to do.
Due to the diet with Jerusalem artichoke, this condition changes in the intestine. The intestinal bacteria are activated and the intestinal flora can build up. An active, healthy and varied intestinal flora means optimal nutritional utilization, an improved metabolism and thus an ideal supply of the body. Inulin is prebiotic, appetizing and optimizing for diabetes.
A negative side effect can be flatulence. This unpleasant side effect regulates itself, because the digestive system adjusts to the inulin.
Inulin has little effect on blood sugar levels and is insulin-independent. Especially for diabetics who either do not have their own insulin or, as with most obese people of type II diabetes, the body reacts poorly to a rise in blood sugar, inulin is of great importance. The carbohydrates that are so desperately needed for the entire metabolism are thus absorbed in the form of inulin and thus provide the body with the energy that is vital for all vital functions.
According to recent studies, inulin prevents the development of colon cancer. The breakdown of inulin lowers the acid value (pH) of the intestine. The acidic environment improves the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. Up to 20% higher calcium intake means measurable osteoporosis prevention.
Inulin is mainly used in diabetes thearpy as a strength replacement.
Thanks to inulin, Jerusalem artichoke is considered a medicinal plant, especially for complaints in the gastrointestinal tract.
Jerusalem artichoke as a remedy
Jerusalem artichoke is also suitable as a proven home remedy for numerous ailments. So help against gastrointestinal complaints a tea from Jerusalem artichoke flowers. Extracts of Jerusalem artichoke in a cream have a soothing effect on skin irritation and irritation.
Overall, the consumption of Jerusalem artichoke and Jerusalem artichoke products has been shown to promote gut health and may have a significant positive impact on the prevention of colon cancer.Improved food utilization and digestion increase overall well-being.
In folk medicine, Jerusalem artichoke has been and continues to be successfully used in various cultures for the treatment of various clinical pictures and for the reduction of various ailments.Jerusalem artichoke offers a gentle self-help - natural and effective!
As a classic and proven remedy, Jerusalem artichoke has proven its worth especially in the following areas
Disorders of the digestive system
increased gastric acid production
Powerlessness, insomnia
Eczema, dry skin
The following recipes offer you a natural and gentle self-help. Natural remedies are known to work slowly and persistently.
Serious illnesses must always be clarified with the doctor!
In the long term support and relief of diabetes complaints, there are very positive experiences with Jerusalem artichoke!
side effects
Ingestion of Jerusalem artichoke can cause bloating in sensitive individuals and, in rare cases, abdominal cramps. This reaction shows the effectiveness and the influence on the metabolism and is easiest avoided by a reduced intake. If you are sensitive, you should not consume more than 50-100g fresh Jerusalem artichoke per day at the beginning. The body usually adapts quickly and the unpleasant flatulence disappears.
How to use Jerusalem artichoke at best
The best for your health is a varied, meat-reduced diet. In the months from October to April you can enrich your diet with fresh Jerusalem artichoke and thus benefit naturally and simply from the positive effect. For the uncomplicated inulin intake we offer topinambur capsules, flour and juice powder. We offer dried flowers and leaves as tea.
For intestinal health we offer a special topinambur intestinal cure.
According to recent studies, inulin prevents the development of colon cancer. The breakdown of inulin lowers the acid value (pH) of the intestine. The acidic environment improves the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. Up to 20% higher calcium intake means measurable osteoporosis prevention.
Inulin is mainly used in diabetes thearpy as a strength replacement.
Thanks to inulin, Jerusalem artichoke is considered a medicinal plant, especially for complaints in the gastrointestinal tract.
Jerusalem artichoke as a remedy
Jerusalem artichoke is also suitable as a proven home remedy for numerous ailments. So help against gastrointestinal complaints a tea from Jerusalem artichoke flowers. Extracts of Jerusalem artichoke in a cream have a soothing effect on skin irritation and irritation.
Overall, the consumption of Jerusalem artichoke and Jerusalem artichoke products has been shown to promote gut health and may have a significant positive impact on the prevention of colon cancer. Improved food utilization and digestion increase overall well-being.
In folk medicine, Jerusalem artichoke has been and continues to be successfully used in various cultures for the treatment of various clinical pictures and for the reduction of various ailments. Jerusalem artichoke offers a gentle self-help - natural and effective!
As a classic and proven remedy, Jerusalem artichoke has proven its worth especially in the following areas
Disorders of the digestive system
increased gastric acid production
Powerlessness, insomnia
Eczema, dry skin
The following recipes offer you a natural and gentle self-help. Natural remedies are known to work slowly and persistently.
Serious illnesses must always be clarified with the doctor!
In the long term support and relief of diabetes complaints, there are very positive experiences with Jerusalem artichoke!
side effects
Ingestion of Jerusalem artichoke can cause bloating in sensitive individuals and, in rare cases, abdominal cramps. This reaction shows the effectiveness and the influence on the metabolism and is easiest avoided by a reduced intake. If you are sensitive, you should not consume more than 50-100g fresh Jerusalem artichoke per day at the beginning. The K