Cultivation of Jerusalem Artichoke
Jerusalem artichoke is a frugal plant that is relatively easy to grow. It is absolutely important that the plant has enough space. Jerusalem artichoke is very intesively vigorous and needs a solitary place. Waterlogging should be avoided!
Cultivation Information
location claim
no special requirements, prefers humus sandy soils with good water supply
planting time
Tuber planting in early spring Cultivation like potatoes, best piled up, distance of the rows 75 cm, distance in the row 30 -35 cm, planting depth approx. 5-7 cm, 1kg seedlings enough for approx. 5 m² (1kg corresponds approx tubers)
Need for 1 ha about 1.6 tons of tubers
Jerusalem artichoke is perennial and suitable for permanent cultivation
Recommendation of the Society for Renewable Resources: 200 - 250 dt / ha manure. Otherwise about 50 - 70 kg N / ha in mineral form. With regard to basic fertilization with phosphorus and potash, 60 kg P2O2 / ha and 200 kg K2O / ha are recommended.
If you do not need an extra high yield, we recommend you refrain from the use of mineral fertilizers!
plant protection
very robust plant, maximum mildew, gray mold and white mold occur.
Care is not necessary, it is recommended to accumulate in May, Jerusalem artichoke prevails against all unwanted herbs. A care course in the first year of cultivation may be useful. Especially root weeds such as couch grass can be annoying in the growth phase.
depending on location and variety from the end of September in frost-free soil throughout the winter possible
until about April, remove above-ground herb, dried is very good as winter food
or chopped on the field read, tubers with potato harvester, harvesting vibrating screen harvester.
A harvest after the first frosts has a positive effect on the inulin content of the tuber.
cool and dark, best with fleece covered, fresh vegetables! Jerusalem artichokes can be stored for up to 5 weeks. A storage in the sand bed is possible over several months. Topinambur can be well frozen and stored in the freezer
as food, dietetic food, wild-goats, biofuel, ornamental plant, animal feed. Especially as a prebiotic food to optimize the metabolism.